Ham of the Month

The Ham of the Month award is given to a net participant who has been a frequent check-in for an extended period of time.  The award is also presented to those who have made a contribution to the net by handling traffic, acting as a pre-net control, or a substitute net control station.


January – N8GNA – TOM
February – W8REJ – ROB
March – AA8PP – BOB
April – AA8PQ – BILL
June –  N8OBV – MONTY
July –  KS8N – FRANK
August – KC8EHR – CLINT
September – AC8AY – DAVE
October – KG8LB – GARY
November – KD8SBM – KURT
December – K8YS – DEAN


January – N8MUS – JONATHAN
February – W8YA – MARK
March – WD8JDZ – PAT
April – W8SOO – KEN
May – AC8NI – TIM
June –  KE8BHP – JAMES
July –  KA8T – STEVEN
August – W8RNB – LEE
September – K8UHF – JIM
October – AA8SN – HOPE
November – N8RKD – KENT
December – N8BNC – BOB